“Little Willie”

-Written by Tiami Coleburg

In Loving Memory of Little Willie

April 1987 to April 24 2002

Dearest Willie,
Little one where ever you are;
May there be comforting blankets to slumber in.
May there be soft, scented soil to dig in.
May the warming sun, shine upon your face.
May the gentle breeze, bring our love to you.

Tiami L. Coleburg

We have lost our beloved Willie. He was rescue Dachshund that came to our family 15 years ago. He and his brother Max spent everyday of their lives, side by side. The first year of their life, they were locked on a back porch because they were too difficult to house break. The first owner had purchased them on a whim in a pet store. They had no clue about the breeds needs and traits. They had no clue what work two pups can be. They finally just gave up on them. They came to rescue and then joined our family.

Adorable, inseparable, little black and tan wiggle-worms. The image of the little perky duo will live forever in my heart and mind. Max was the leader and Willie was the follower. Poor Max is now alone without his friend and brother. My father will hold his Max, just a bit closer to make sure he knows how much he is loved.

Willie was the loving companion to my father though sad times and happy times. He gave the gift of being needed to my father. Being needed by another, keeps us all grounded here during the saddest times. Willie gave us all joy and humor during the happy times. He was gentle and kind. He did not even seem to have the ability to growl. He was forever puppy like in his innocence.

Sweet Little Willie was given back to heaven on April 24, 2002 while held in loving, familiar arms of his family. He will wait for us there in heaven, for there is no doubt he was and is an angel. We miss you Willie.