If you are interested in adopting a companion animal from R.E.D. click on the button below to access the R.E.D. adoption application questions.

Interested in adoption? See our adoptable companion animals.

  • See Our Adoptable Dogs

    Just see our list of dogs, big and small, available for adoption!

  • See our adoptable cats

    Just see our list of cats available for adoption!

  • See all our adoptable animals

    See everyone up for adoption, small and furry, feathered and hooved alike!

Adoption Policies And Procedures

The goal of R.E.D. is to place our companion animals in lifetime, loving homes. Every home and every companion animals has it own unique personality and requirements. We place our animals in the supportive and loving environment of home fostercare. While there, we gain knowledge, about their personality, training skills, likes and dislikes.

To assist us with matching the correct companion animal with the most appropriate and compatible home. Please message us the answers to the below questions and any other information you think would be helpful. The messaged information may be followed-up by a R.E.D. Adoption Coordinator, with a phone interview and then a homecheck.

Adoption contract and post adoption follow-up checks are required as a condition of adoption. Some companion animals get multiple applicants or are not appropriate matches, so not all adoptions will be approved. Not all applicants will receive a yes or no response due to limited staff. We reserve the right to refuse any adoption without justification.

All our companion animals are generally in home foster care. We are not a shelter environment, and so our animals are not available for walk in meets. We are by appointment only, with only approved applicants meeting animals in person.