Our Mission

R.E.D. (Rescue Every Dog) is a support group for shelter workers and exceptional animals in need in public animal shelters.

R.E.D. is committed to saving the lives of exceptional dogs and other companion animals. We seek to save animals that have been referred to us due to their exceptional personalities and temperaments by shelter workers, animal control officers or vet staff who have seen these special animals potential. We seek to save exceptional animals in good health or in need of correctable medical assistance or treatment.

 The many shelters we assist with this support do not have the necessary staff or funding to provide adequate space, medical care and adoption capability for the number of animals they receive. Saving highly adoptable companion animals that are to be euthanized in such shelters is R.E.D.'s top priority. We also assist ownerless adoptable companion animals, which are in high-risk situations due to no fault of their own, and medically needy adoptable companion animals.

For the exceptional animals we rescue, we provide the safe haven of home foster care, medical care, and spay/neutering while our volunteers seek loving lifetime homes for them. Some of the animals in high-risk euthanasia situations that we are unable to foster can receive assistance from R.E.D. Alert, which publicizes their plight and searches for alternate rescue solutions via the internet.

R.E.D. is committed to education on spay/neuter benefits and the prevention of animal abuse and neglect. R.E.D. volunteers provide education and community support on such topics as the benefits of spay/neuter, re-homing advice and assistance, and prevention of animal abuse and neglect.

Donations to R.E.D. are used to pay the direct costs of R.E.D.'s animal care, placement and promotion. R.E.D. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and donations to R.E.D. are tax-deductible.

Who We Are

R.E.D. is staffed by many caring, dedicated volunteers who provide transportation, medical care, home foster care, and training for the animals R.E.D. assists. R.E.D. volunteers also provide education and community support on such topics as the benefits of spay/neuter, re-homing advice and assistance, and prevention of animal abuse and neglect.

R.E.D.'s Officers, Directors and the Board of Directors:

Meet Tiami Coleburg
Tiami is one of the founders and current Executive Director and a Board of Directors Member of Rescue Every Dog. Her previous professional work back ground was in facilities planning and design, management and marketing. She showed, trained and handled many canine breeds in competition for many years. She also has owned, trained and ridden equines for the majority of her life. She was the Adoption Director at the former Bremerton Animal Control. She brought that facility from an approximate 10% adoption rate to a 95% placement rate on adoptable animals. Though, she has been involved in animal rescue work the majority of her life. It was during this time she became keenly aware of the heartbreak for shelter workers and felt the need to offer them another solution to help the animals they bond with but are unable to save in their own shelter. Tiami's desire to work with others, her broad experience with animals, combined with her energetic, consistent commitment and passion for R.E.D.'s mission has allowed R.E.D. to support the hearts and minds of shelter workers and save thousands of companion animal lives. Her favorite breed is the highly intelligent Rottweiler.

Meet Patty Govoni
Patty Govoni is the current President of the Board of Directors of R.E.D. Patty is R.E.D.'s Poodle and Rottweiler caseworker. She is a dedicated volunteer with a great understanding of these breeds. She values their intelligence and breed qualities. She has been with R.E.D. since 1999 and has been there for the program whenever needed. Patty shares her life with husband Greg and her beloved dogs. Patty is in the picture with R.E.D. dog, Miles.

Meet Meghan Lawson
Meghan Lawson is the current Vice President of the Board of Directors of R.E.D. Meghan brings her amazing people and coordination skills with her to everything she does. She has a true gift for photography, which she uses to help companion animals shine in their best light. She is a member of Hearts Speak, and has been featured in many locations such as the Hallmark channel, and AQHA. Her photography business is known as Two Red Dogs Photography. She grew up riding horses, and her equine skills brought her all the way to competing in Worlds. She is a part of R.E.D.'s rescue and equine teams, she fosters, and donates her time to transport and photograph animals. She has opened her heart, farm, and family up to the world of rescue.

Meet Linda Johannessen
Linda Johannessen is the current Secretary Treasurer of R.E.D. as well as a long time volunteer and adoption caseworker. She became involved with R.E.D. when she adopted a R.E.D. dog named Yuri years ago. Linda got more and more involved in rescue, starting out doing transports and home visits. She then began volunteering in the R.E.D. office along with serving as a caseworker and foster mom. Her office duties not only include assisting with the mountain of paperwork that is generated by a nonprofit but also includes such benefits as frequent puppy kisses. Unfortunately, Linda lost Yuri in 2005, however she has since adopted and fostered many dogs from R.E.D.. Linda particularly loves boxers and boxer mixes but has also shared her home with an Alaskan Malamute and a standard poodle, so she is an equal opportunity dog lover. Linda's professional background includes 5 years of military service as a human relations officer and 26 years of federal service as a civil rights investigator. She retired at the beginning of 2005 and has been able to devote much more time to R.E.D.'s life saving mission.

Meet Michael Paddock
Michael Paddock is a current R.E.D. board member and volunteer. Michael is R.E.D.'s go to guy for man power. He is the fix it guy, the build it guy, the transport guy, the trouble shooter, the foster guy, techno guy, and so much more. One of the longest standing volunteers, he has made R.E.D. possible for over 20 years. He also brings a kind and compassionate communication to the healing process for the animals to come through R.E.D.'s doors. He is never afraid to help, even with the most difficult of cases.

Meet Deana Daniels
Deana Daniels is a current R.E.D. board member and volunteer. She began volunteering with R.E.D. when she saw a R.E.D. Alert for a sweet GSD-BC cross named Tanna in the summer of 2002. Deana decided to foster Tanna with R.E.D. and soon Tanna won a permanent home in the Daniel's household. She was renamed Cassie. Deana and husband Barry, share their home with their beautiful adopted rescue dogs. For over twenty years Deana specialized in Welsh Corgi rescues but in 2000 she moved from Seattle to Bremerton where she had more room to adopt bigger dogs. Her favorite breed is the GSD German Shepherd Dog, but she still has a soft spot for the Corgi breed and all dogs. Deana's professional background includes over twenty five years of Certified Public Accounting experience in the USA and internationally and she currently does the accounting for R.E.D. as part of her volunteer commitment to the organization. Deana's dedicated volunteerism and guidance is truly an asset in the daily administrative requirements and needs of R.E.D and our lifesaving mission.

Meet Carol McCormick
Carol McCormick is a long time volunteer and a current member of the Board of Directors of R.E.D. She works in the tech industry and is a very kindhearted person, ready to offer help whenever she can. She has adopted multiple dogs and cats from R.E.D. including her dear lab mix Raymond, and dachshund mix Aladdin. She has had a lifelong passion for horses, always having a few around her. She also spends much of her time with her grandson and fellow volunteer Aiden. Carol is always willing to give a joke or words of advice when you need them. We appreciate everything she does for us here at R.E.D.

Meet Dr. Virginia Johnson DVM
Dr. Virginia Johnson is one of our longest supporters, and our current Medical Director. She has spent countless days helping us save lives, whether that requires long hours in a surgical suite, or helping us assess a broken leg. She has even helped us on multiple holidays with emergency cases. Her dedication is not just to RED however. She founded, ran and owned Hadlock Veterinary Clinic since shortly after she moved to Washington. Previous to that she worked as a veterinarian in Alaska, where she was even a vet for the Iditarod teams. She currently spends much of her time doing work with non-profits such as RED. She works with Discovery Bay Wild Bird Rescue, helping to heal all sorts of injuries on the birds they take in, such as the bald eagle seen the photo. She also does lots of work with the low income population in Jefferson County, and has been working with PAIR and Spay to Save on some low income spay/neuter clinics. She is an invaluable and irreplaceable member of our team, who is always willing to try to help save a life.

Meet Some of Our Dedicated Staff and Volunteers:

Meet Shayla Paddock
Shayla Paddock has spent her life serving in rescue. She is a R.E.D. Senior Caseworker and Caretaker. She is one of R.E.D.'s most active and versatile members. She brings a broad array of talents to R.E.D. She can shape shift jobs from producing amazing photography, to computer, internet, and administrative support, to greeting and educating the public at outreach, to animal meet and greet wrangling, to the duties with our equine rescue team, and more. She has been hands on in some of the toughest of rescues R.E.D. has experienced, and always brings her A-game to the job when an animal is in need. She also is a big part of RED’s veterinary care, working with our veterinarians and helping run our spay and neuter clinic days, along with ones held by one of RED’s favorite other nonprofits and partner; Spay to Save. Outside of her rescue work, Shayla loves spending time with her horses, reading, writing, and listening to and making music. She has been training and competing her gelding Holden out 3 Day Eventing. She has also achieved her H-B rating in Pony Club and is planning on going for her H-A soon. She is pictured here with her first Pony, now a senior, a rescue Welsh Cob with COPD from the stockyard, Sunny.

Meet Angie González
One of the most faithful and genuine people we have known, Angie is one of our current volunteers. She Is one of our RED Senior Caseworkers, and Shelter Liaisons. She is always willing to lend a helping hand in any way we might need it, such as doing a dog evaluation at a shelter, booking vet appointments, or offering her home was a spot for a rescue pup. She is one of our all time best foster homes, and helps run our Project: Call Home tag program, providing tags to low income families who cannot afford them so if their pets become lost, they can get home. In her everyday life, Angie also runs a dog daycare, where she babysits pets for those who need it. Angie is artsy, and creative. We absolutely love this joyous, and humorous lady and all that she does for and with RED and its other members. RED would not be the same without our dear Angie!

Meet Maysa Orelli
Maysa is an amazing, longtime volunteer for RED. Maysa has spent countless hours and miles making sure that each and every RED animal is where they need to be, when they need to be there. She is someone that we can rely on to be there when we need her, and she brings her powerful yet kind nature to everything she does. Maysa has been known to foster animals with us, and is a great sounding board for any issues or questions we have about what is going on. Maysa is a great asset to our team and we are very lucky to have her work with us.

Meet Jordan Andersen
Jordan has been a R.E.D. volunteer since 2003. He is R.E.D.'s Website and Technical Support Manager. He is always ready to develop or trouble shoot when a need arises. He also is always down to help transport, whether it be donations or animals. His skills and technical talents are crucial to R.E.D.'s life saving mission. He is a R.E.D. team player and loves a challenge. He has shared his life with animals and has a natural way with them. He is known for having every cat he meets love him. In his off time Jordan loves the outdoors and this leads him to his hobbies of camping, mountain biking and hiking. Jordan is also an incredible runner, and participates in marathons throughout the U.S., and even Europe. He has finished all six of the major marathons and gained his medal for completing the Abbott World Marathon Majors. Jordan's vital volunteer work makes it possible for R.E.D. to reach a wider audience which has and will continue to save lives in need.

Meet Jeremy Bjornson
Jeremy Bjornson is the type of volunteer that is always there when you need him. He is one of R.E.D.'s foster homes, and a part of the R.E.D. equine team. He is also the rock behind Meghan Lawson, always there to help with whatever new crazy photo idea she has. He is skilled with equines and canines, and participates with his dogs in Dock Dogs. He is one of R.E.D.'s most trustworthy volunteers, and he brings a calm and compassionate aura with him wherever he goes.

Meet Lynette Elliot
Lynette Elliot became a dedicated volunteer with R.E.D. after a R.E.D. Alert in March of 2002 reached her via email. This R.E.D Alert spurred her into action with R.E.D. and our mission to save shelter animals lives and the hearts of the shelter worker. She has since volunteered her efforts to serving as a R.E.D. shelter liaison, case working, fostering, transport and administration support to help R.E.D. save the lives of many homeless animals. Her favorite breed is the very independent Chow, with all other breeds running a close second. She is our current Chow Rep. Lynette's professional work back ground is in administrative systems and customer relations. These skills combined with her dedicated volunteerism and ability to work enthusiastically and cohesively with a team atmosphere make her a strong leader for the R.E.D. Corporation and our non profit life saving mission.

Meet Julianne Ubigau
Julianne is one of our most fun team members, always bringing her fun and humorous style to everything she participates in. She is a huge part of our large animal program, loving all the sheep, goats, horses, etc. just as much as we do. Her intelligence and artsy talents are are also super helpful. She has helped us design flyers and art pieces for the program. She is immensely caring and very intuitive with the animals. Her day to day job involves working with animals, largely with her trained scent work dog Jasper. Though newer to the program, she has quickly made herself an integral part of the team.