“Lucky Pup”

-Written by Tiami Coleburg

This little foundling was found in the darkness of early morning, in the middle of a remote road. He is so very lucky to be alive. A nice man spotted his tiny body lying in the road and rescued him from certain death. He was hypothermic from being soaking wet in the frigid cold. He was covered in lice and fleas and worse yet had a broken jaw. The misaligned lower jaw can be seen in the photo. We will never know who threw this tiny, 5 week old baby out into the darkness to face a horrible death alone on the road that night. What we do know is caring people stepped in to give this sweet pup another chance at life. We located low cost medical help for the pup with a caring Vet and Clinic. Many wonderful people generously offered the financial help to pay for his care. With these combined efforts he receive the needed medical care to save him. He needed surgery to repair his tiny broken jaw. He was also treated for staph infections and deloused.

During his stay with R.E.D, we all naturally called him "Lucky Pup". We received many offers of a loving home for this special little boy. After much deliberation a wonderful home was selected for him in Oregon. Our "Lucky Pup" is now called "Kobie" by his adoring human mom. They both stopped by to pay us a visit recently. I was overjoyed by the chance to see how he had blossomed and grown. With the generosity and support of so many, Kobie a.k.a. Lucky Pup is strong and happy, and brings joy to all who meet him.